Robbinsdale Area Schools

Fine Arts

At the high school level, students must complete two semesters of fine arts courses for graduation credit. There are many co-curricular activities available at the building level for students to expand and practice their skill in dance, media art, music, visual arts and theater.

Learn more about the state standards for Fine Arts at the Minnesota Department of Education's website.

Our students are routinely chosen for All-State music ensembles and recognized in national art competitions.

Award-winning arts district

Robbinsdale Area Schools is known for its award-winning fine arts education programs.

  • We are the first school district in the nation to receive the Medallion Award from the Children's Theatre Foundation for exceptional contributions to K-12 theatre.
  • Our school board received the 2002 Arts Education Leadership Award from the Minnesota Alliance for Arts in Education for its commitment to arts education for students.  
  • We have been named one of the 100 Best Communities for Music Education in America.
  • In 2020, we earned the distinction of a Best Community for Music Education from the National Association of Music Merchants in 2020. The annual award recognizes school districts across the United States for demonstrating an exceptional commitment to providing access to music education.

District-wide art shows

Along with art shows at the high-school level, we also host two secondary district-wide art shows per year held at a local art gallery.  Exhibits feature a variety of mediums created by students. Art teachers select student work to be featured. 

Concert Videos

See archived recordings of concerts such as the Fall Music Festival, All-District Orchestra concerts, high school choir/band/orchestra concerts and more!