Robbinsdale Area Schools

Robbinsdale Area Redesign

Redesign is a Family Service Collaborative as defined by MN Legislature 124D.23.   Robbinsdale Area Redesign serves the communities and families within the geographic boundaries of Robbinsdale Area Schools. Mandated partners to Minnesota Family Service Collaboratives include:

  • School District

  • County - Corrections and Public Health
  • Head Start or Community Action Agency

Other non-mandated individuals and organizations also serve on the collaborative board, such as parents, youth and non-profit community organizations.

Family Service Collaboratives are charged with integrating systems and revenue, reduce duplication and improve access to services for children from birth to 18 (or age 21 with disabilities) and their families.

Redesign welcomes all to the board table. Meetings are open and held the third Tuesday of every month from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 


Program Director
Phone: 763-504-4981
Fax: 763-504-4985