Robbinsdale Area Schools

Election outcomes and well-being

Election outcomes and well-being

Election Day is here at last. You may have read or heard that almost 70% of Americans have said the election is a “significant source of stress in their lives.” Many of us feel it, and some of our students feel it too.

In Robbinsdale Area Schools, we are excited for the outcomes of the levy referendum renewal campaign and the school board election – we will likely see those tallies late tonight or tomorrow morning.

Other election results may not be known right away. Weeks of uncertainty about the presidential election, for example, may be ahead. Regardless of election outcomes, our schools need to be safe places for students and staff members to process the results. 

Nobody should feel afraid to express a feeling if they need to. Let your student know they can get help processing emotions with a counselor or other adult at school, just by asking.

Rdale’s Employee Assistance Program offers advice that could be useful for students and others:

Remember that while it seems like we're always in a political season, actual election cycles are just that, cycles. They come and they go. The relationships we have with our co-workers, loved ones, and communities, are always present and because of that, worthy of increased attention and nurturing. No matter the outcome, life will go on, and there will be important work to do to heal divisions and build a better future.  

The emotional challenges of election season are real, but with the right strategies, you can navigate this period while protecting your productivity, relationships, and well-being. Stay centered, be kind, take care of yourself. You've got this!

Everything we do in Robbinsdale Area Schools is about “building a better future.” By supporting our students, our teachers and our schools, we are doing positive things to make our community stronger.