Robbinsdale Area Schools

Learn more about the Emergency Response Guide

Learn more about the Emergency Response Guide

In the last edition of Discover we talked about some of Rdale’s processes and procedures for keeping students and staff safe, and shared our Emergency Response Guide.

The Emergency Response Guide is posted on our website, along with a new video we invite you to watch. The video describes the Standard Response Protocol and the five kinds of emergency response that Rdale uses in our Emergency Response Guide.

From time to time, building administrators may send email notifications to specific classrooms or schools to keep families informed. As a reminder, a school emergency could be:

  • a building malfunction, such as backed up plumbing or a ventilation issue

  • an environmental event, such as a chemical spill or gas leak

  • a weather emergency, such as a tornado warning

  • a human threat, such as an intruder in or near a school

The nature of the emergency dictates how school officials will respond to ensure student and staff safety – and which emergency response is appropriate. These are Hold, Secure, Severe Weather, Lockdown, and Evacuate. Watch the video for more information.