Robbinsdale Area Schools

Robbinsdale Area Schools earns award for outstanding financial reporting

Robbinsdale Area Schools earns award for outstanding financial reporting

For the 22nd consecutive year, Robbinsdale Area Schools has earned the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO).

This year’s national award specifically recognized the district for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year that ended June of 2022. 

“I’m proud of our business services team and their commitment to management of the day-to-day operations of the district’s finances,” said Interim Superintendent Marti Voight. “Earning this kind of recognition year after year is no small feat.”

The ASBO’s certificate of excellence program allows school districts to submit its financial report for review by a team of finance professionals who in turn provide feedback to improve future documents. If the report meets the program’s stringent requirements, it may receive the certificate of excellence.

“This award represents a significant achievement and reflects your commitment to transparency and high-quality financial reporting,” said Siobhán McMahon, CAE, the interim executive director of ASBO.

ASBO is a nonprofit organization that, through its members and affiliates, represents approximately 30,000 school business professionals worldwide.