Robbinsdale Area Schools

Rdale receives positive review and comment from MDE for Technology Levy Renewal

Rdale receives positive review and comment from MDE for Technology Levy Renewal

Robbinsdale Area Schools (Rdale) has received a positive review and comment statement from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) for its upcoming Capital Projects Technology Levy Renewal

This positive statement is a crucial step in asking the community to vote Nov. 5 on the Capital Projects Technology Levy Renewal, which supports the district’s ongoing investment in technology infrastructure. State statute required the review and comment submission, which provides mandated information related to the levy renewal and possible construction and capital projects associated with the request.

The renewed levy will continue to provide approximately $7 million to maintain technology for learning, provide technology for safer schools, and enhance technology to support staff – and it will not increase anyone’s tax rate.

The district’s current technology levy, originally approved by voters in 2014, has played a key role in maintaining and advancing technology use in classrooms, and ensuring equitable access to digital resources for all students.

The district received this important notification from MDE on Sept. 4, 2024.

Learn more about the technology levy renewal at