Robbinsdale Area Schools

Rdale students show growth in reading, math on MCAs

Rdale students show growth in reading, math on MCAs

Math and reading proficiency is up among Robbinsdale Area Schools (Rdale) students, according to Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) data released Aug. 29.

Overall, 41.4 percent of Rdale’s students are proficient in reading, which is 1.1 percentage points higher than in 2023. In math, 26.2 percent of students scored proficient, which is 0.6 percentage points higher than last year. Rdale still lags behind the state in both reading (49.9 percent) and math (46 percent).

In science, Rdale students scored lower in 2024 compared to 2023, with 28.7 percent being proficient, which is 1.6 percentage points lower than 2023, and remains behind the state (40 percent).

“We’re pleased that scores are up,” said John Groenke, Executive Director of Student Services. “But they’re not where they need to be. They reinforce the importance of our (Re)Discover Rdale strategic plan, which is designed to continue to  strengthen academic achievement, student engagement and wellness, collaboration and partnerships, and staff investment and impact.”

The MCAs examine proficiency in the three core subjects (math, reading and science) across elementary, middle and high school levels. MDE releases the MCA test results prior to the start of each school year. The data is one part of a system of assessment tools for teachers, administrators and the School Board to discuss best practices that lead to increases in academic performance.