Reminder about statewide test results
Reminder about statewide test results
Every family whose students took statewide tests in the spring of this year should have received an email about the results of those tests on Monday, Sept. 9. If your student did not take state assessments in the spring, you will not receive an email with results.
If your student did take assessments, the results will be password protected PDF files attached to an email that will arrive in the coming days and weeks.
The unique password for the assessment report(s) for each student will be available in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. The student’s unique password must be used to open the PDF file(s) that will be attached to the email about the student.
Before the results arrive in your email, please ensure that you are able to log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. If you do not have a Parent Portal account or if you have questions or need help with your Parent Portal account, please email
If you have questions regarding the state assessment results, please contact the Research, Evaluation and Assessment Department at