Robbinsdale Area Schools

Spoken word showcase tonight

Spoken word showcase tonight

Students from Armstrong and Cooper High Schools will participate in a spoken word showcase at 4:30 p.m. on October 29 at the Rockford Road Library, 6401 N 42nd Avenue in Crystal.

Spoken word poetry is a powerful tool that allows students to examine their lives and their world and express themselves to others through the evocative power of poetry.

Last year the media specialists at the high schools requested and received a nationally competitive grant from the NEA Foundation to host a joint spoken word poetry club. The grant pays for two professional poets, one at each school, to work with students on their individual or group poems.

A second grant from Seven Dreams will allow the high schools to run a shorter version of the program next school year. 

On November 19, the program hopes to hold a poetry slam, also at 4:30 p.m. at the Rockford Road Library. In a poetry slam, poets are judged by objective judges on both their poems and their delivery. The winning school will get to keep a trophy until next year. The top individual poets will win certificates.