What is the impact of my vote?
If approved, the Technology for Learning, Safety and Support levy will provide:
Technology for Learning – Renewing the technology levy keeps Rdale’s students competitive in a digital world.
Technology for Safer Schools – Safe and secure school environments enhance learning.
Technology to Support Staff – When staff have effective and reliable technology and teaching tools, they can better meet the learning needs of our students.
If not approved
If the Capital Projects Technology Levy Renewal isn’t approved by voters, it will require shifting $7 million of current technology expenses to the general fund.
Moving the district’s technology budget to the general fund will reduce funding for programs and staff, which impacts our student’s educational needs and supports.
Those reductions would be in addition to the $17.4 million that was reduced this school year.
What’s the difference between an operating levy and a capital projects levy?
With an operating levy, the revenue is used for general operation of the district. Revenue CANNOT be used for building construction or renovation.
With a capital projects levy, there is a limited set of eligible purposes including constructing, repairing and improving school buildings, technology, and the purchase of vehicles. Revenue CANNOT be used for general operation of the district.
How was tech levy revenue spent over the last 10 years?
Since 2014, the money raised has provided funds to increase technology access for students and staff through the acquisition, installation, replacement, support, and maintenance of software, applications, digital curriculum and resources, mobile devices, improved technology, technology systems, networks, and infrastructure, and related training.
The majority of the funds received from the levy were spent on the following categories:
- Classroom Audio Visual
- Instructional Hardware
- Instructional Software Subscriptions
- Non-Instructional Hardware
- Non-Instructional Software Subscriptions
- Student Devices
What are the tax impacts to the homeowner?
The 2014 tech levy tax rate is 4.207% This past year, the owner of an average home, which is valued at $322,600* paid $11 a month, or a total of $132 for their portion of the district's technology levy. *Average home value provided by Hennepin County
For the capital projects technology levy, is my home taxed at 4.207% of my property value?
The tax rate is “4.207% times the net tax capacity of the school district”, which means that you are taxed not on the market value of your property but on the net tax capacity, a calculation made by Hennepin County. Please see the tax impact table in the Tax Impact section for some examples.
How can it be that the technology levy tax rate does not go up, but my tax bill has increased?
If your taxes have increased, it is not because the rate has increased - it stays the same. If the value of your home increased, your tax bill would increase accordingly.
I’m concerned about my kids having too much screen time. How does the school address this?
Technology and devices have become essential for learning. The purpose for technology in the classroom is different from technology usage for recreation. Classroom materials and even textbooks are now available on computers and tablets.
How do schools impact the community?
According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, there is a definite correlation between school expenditures and home values in any given neighborhood. A report titled, “Using Market Valuation to Assess Public School Spending,” found that for every dollar spent on public schools in a community, home values increased $20. These findings indicate that additional school expenditures may benefit everyone in the community, whether or not those residents actually have children in the local public school system.
I don't have kids in school. Why should I care about this?
Good schools are important to our neighbors who own a business or work at area companies, as well as to families considering a move to our community. Strong schools help support a strong and vibrant community.
Can I deduct the taxes paid on my State and Federal Income Taxes?
If you itemize deductions for federal income taxes, you may deduct all property taxes paid.
Does the funding that Robbinsdale received from the federal government to address the COVID-19 pandemic affect the levy?
Robbinsdale Area Schools used Federal COVID funding to preserve critical services for students during the pandemic and accelerate learning recovery afterward. All COVID funds have been allocated and, according to Federal law, must be expended by September, 2024. As a result, those funds are not a resource for continuing support for the mission of RAS.
Will Robbinsdale be installing metal detectors or bag screening devices?
No, these are not being considered at this time.
Why not have separate levies/referendum questions - one for technology and one for building safety and security?
Extending the levy provides the district with enough revenue to meet both technology needs and some additional purposes within the statutory limits of how capital levy revenue can be used. The district has needs in the area of building safety and security that are allowable. We chose 1) to stay with one ballot question, and 2) to renew the current rate instead of asking for additional funding to simplify the request and to not ask taxpayers for additional funds.
How will the district show accountability and transparency in the use of referendum funds?
The district is committed to accountability and transparency. We plan to provide updates on how referendum dollars are spent in our ongoing communications plan, utilizing all of the communications channels available to us, including our website, social media, e-newsletters, direct mail to all residences, and traditional media. We are extremely thankful for the support shown by the community in approval of referendums over many decades. We want community members to see how their dollars are invested in student learning.