Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness
Robbinsdale Area Schools (Rdale) is dedicated to student, staff and visitor safety in our schools and district facilities. In addition, we work hard to ensure schools and facilities are welcoming spaces for all.
A school emergency can take a number of forms including an environmental event such as a chemical spill or gas leak; a weather emergency such as a tornado warning; or a threat such as an intruder in or near the school.
The district works to develop and evaluate procedures in the event of an emergency, and the nature of an emergency dictates the kind of response school officials will put in place to ensure the safety and well being of students and staff.
What plans are in place to help students stay safe?
In order to maintain safe facilities, the district has partnered with Raptor, a visitor management system that enhances our school security. This system is used to prevent unwanted visitors from entering our buildings, and to track those coming and going.
Rdale also uses the Say Something  Anonymous Reporting System, a research-based violence prevention program offered by Sandy Hook Promise.
At the district level
Rdale has sound emergency procedures in place, and proper training for employees to implement procedures should a crisis arise.
Rdale’s emergency response and recovery plan follows recommendations from the U.S. Departments of Education and Homeland Security, and is designed to reduce risks and support the safety of students and staff.
At the building level
Emergency drills help keep our students and staff prepared to respond quickly, calmly and safely to a number of situations.
Exterior doors other than main entrances are locked during the school day. A visitor management system is used to prevent unwanted visitors from entering our buildings, and to track those coming and going.