Robbinsdale Area Schools

510 AP: School Activities

510 AP: School Activities

Approved: January 27, 2020



The purpose of this policy is to impart to students, employees, and the community the school district’s policy related to the student activity program.


School activities provide additional opportunities for students to pursue special interests that contribute to their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  They are of secondary importance in relationship to the formal instructional program; however, they complement the instructional program in providing students with additional opportunities for growth and development.


A. “Cocurricular activities”

Cocurricular activities mean school-sponsored and directed activities designed to provide opportunities for pupils to participate, on an individual or group basis, in school and public events for the improvement of skills. Cocurricular activities are not offered
 for school credit, cannot be counted toward graduation and have one or more of the following characteristics:

(a) They are conducted at regular and uniform times during school hours, or at times established by school authorities;

(b) Although not offered for credit, they are directed or supervised by instructional staff in a learning environment similar to that found in courses offered for credit;

(c) They are partially funded by public moneys for general instructional purposes under direction and control of the board.

B. “Extracurricular activities”

Extracurricular activities means all direct and personal services for pupils for their enjoyment that are managed and operated under the guidance of an adult or staff member. 

(a) Extracurricular activities have all of the following characteristics:

1. they are not offered for school credit nor required for graduation;

2. they are generally conducted outside school hours, or if partly during school hours, at times agreed by the participants, and approved by school authorities; 

3. the content of the activities is determined primarily by the pupil participants under the guidance of a staff member or other adult.

(b) Any or all costs of these activities may be provided from school revenues and all revenues and expenditures for these activities shall be recorded in the same manner as other revenues and expenditures of the district.

(c) The teachers or pupils in the district must not participate in such activity, nor shall the school name or any allied name be used in connection therewith, except by consent and direction of the board.

(d) A school district must reserve revenue raised for extracurricular activities and spend the revenue only for extracurricular activities.


A. The school board expects all students who participate in school-sponsored activities to represent the school and community in a responsible manner.  All rules pertaining to student conduct and student discipline extend to school activities.

B. The school board expects all spectators at school sponsored activities, including parents, employees, and other members of the public, to behave in an appropriate manner at those activities. Students and employees may be subject to discipline and parents and other spectators may be subject to sanctions for engaging in misbehavior or inappropriate, illegal, or unsportsmanlike behavior at these activities or events.

C. The superintendent shall be responsible for disseminating information needed to inform students, parents, staff, and the community of the opportunities available within the school activity program and the rules of participation.

D. Those students who participate in Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) activities must also abide by the league rules.  Those employees who conduct MSHSL activities shall be responsible for familiarizing students and parents with all applicable rules, penalties, and opportunities.

E. The superintendent shall be responsible for conducting an annual evaluation of school activity programs and presenting the results and any recommendations to the school board.

F. The school board will ensure that any funds raised for extracurricular activities will be spent only on extracurricular activities.

Legal References:

Minn. Stat. § 123B.49 (Extracurricular Activities; Insurance)

Cross References:

MSBA/MASA Model Policy 503 (Student Attendance)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 506 (Student Discipline)
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 713 (Student Activity Accounting)

510 AP: School Activities - Resource Attachments