899 Policy: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones
899 Policy: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones
Approved: March 21, 2016
The purpose of this policy is to assist the school district in promoting safety, reducing injuries, and complying with federal, state, state high school league, and local laws, regulations, and policies. In addition, the school district recognizes its responsibility in regard to the protection of the privacy rights of students as provided in federal law and state statutes.
Without written pre-approval from the Superintendent or designee, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, is prohibited for any purpose by any person on properties owned, maintained, or used by Robbinsdale Area Schools.
A. For purposes of this policy, an “unmanned aerial vehicle”, or “UAV”, is any aircraft without a human pilot aboard the device.
B. “School property” is defined as all buildings and grounds, instructional or otherwise, indoors and outdoors.
a. Some examples include, but are not limited to: classrooms, hallways, gymnasiums, pools, athletic fields, parking lots, busses, bus stops, and travel to and from bus stops.
b. This also includes all buildings and grounds used, and not owned, by Robbinsdale Area Schools for school sponsored events and activities, instructional or otherwise.
A. School personnel shall refuse admission or entry to anyone attempting to use a UAV.
B. School personnel will report UAV activity on School property to an Administrator
C. When possible, school personnel shall confiscate UAVs used on School property.
D. Students violating this policy will be disciplined in accordance with the Technology Misuse guidelines.
A. Any student or employee wishing to operate a UAV on School Property, for educational purposes, can seek permission from the Superintendent or designee.
B. Requests for permission must be submitted in writing at least one week prior to date of use.
C. The Superintendent or designee, at his or her discretion, can grant exception to this policy so long as no Federal, state, state high school league, or district laws, regulations, and policies are violated.
Cross References:
Minnesota State High School League Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Policy #740