Robbinsdale Area Schools

Weather Closing Guide

Winter Weather

Sometimes Robbinsdale Area Schools may be forced to close school or shift to e-learning because of extreme temperatures or significant snow. 

When these kinds of severe weather conditions occur, the safety and well-being of students and staff is the district's priority.

It should be noted that Robbinsdale Area Schools typically cannot offer two-hour late starts as a way to mitigate extreme weather conditions due to the issues created for many of our district families.

Decisions on school cancelations are always given careful consideration, and will be made as quickly as possible in order to give families enough time to make alternate childcare plans. Before making a decision to close school, the superintendent consults with key staff and monitors the forecast to make the best decision for students, staff and families.

Canceling for extreme temperatures

When it is necessary to cancel school due to extreme heat or extreme cold, the decision is usually made by 9:30 p.m. the evening before the impacted school day.

While not a cancelation, elementary schools will not go outside for recess if the temperature is 0 degrees or lower, or the wind chill is -10 degrees or lower.

Canceling for winter weather

When it is necessary to cancel school due to heavy snow, ice or dangerous road conditions, the decision is usually made by 5:30 a.m. the day of school. Unfortunately, the decision in the event of slippery conditions or excessive snow usually cannot be made until the conditions of roadways is assessed.

Notification of cancelation

The district is committed to keeping families informed of school closings through a variety of communication channels.  Information about district cancellations will be communicated to families using robocalls, text messages, and email; announced on the district website;  posted on our social media sites (Facebook and Twitter); and shared with the media (T.V., newspaper and radio.) Staff members can also expect a text message.

Cancelation details

Snow day

School icon

A snow day is a closing due to heavy snow, ice or dangerous road conditions. On a snow day, typically all school-sponsored activities during the day and evening will also be canceled.   

  • If school is in session and the snow is expected to worsen and make driving dangerous during the day, an early dismissal may be warranted.
  • Families will be notified as soon as possible through the various channels listed above.  

Typical cancellations include:

  • All PreK-12 schools and programs
  • School-sponsored extracurricular activities, field trips, athletic events, concerts or similar activities
  • District and school meetings
  • Community education classes and activities
  • Adult Academic Program classes
  • Early childhood programs
  • Adventure Club sites
  • Activities sponsored by city parks and recreation departments and outside organizations

Exceptions: Athletic events will typically be canceled; however, some specialized tournaments or high school league events may continue.

Extreme temperatures

Icon bus

A closure for extreme temperatures almost always happens in the winter due to extreme cold or dangerously low wind chill and/or wind speed. Sometimes in the spring and fall, extreme heat can cause buildings that don't have proper air conditioning to become too warm. Closures due to heat are handled on a case-by-case basis.

On a cold day, typically most school-sponsored activities during the day and evening will also be canceled.  Some programs and classes may remain open.

  • The forecast will be closely monitored the day before a potential cold day.  
  • Families will be notified as soon as possible through various channels listed above. 

Typical cancellations include:

  • All PreK-12 schools and programs
  • School-sponsored extracurricular activities, field trips, athletic events, concerts or similar activities
  • Early childhood programs

Exceptions: Certain programs and activities may remain open on a cold day. We are committed to specifying any changes or closings on a cold weather day. Typical exceptions are listed below.

  • Athletic events will typically be canceled; however, some specialized tournaments or high school league events may continue.
  • Adventure Club will be open at Neill Elementary and FAIR Pilgrim Lane for any families currently enrolled in Adventure Club/Early Adventures. Other sites will be closed. Additional information can be found on the Adventure Club page, then Emergency Closings section.
  • Adult Academic Program classes will remain open and WILL NOT be canceled unless otherwise announced.
  • Community Education classes WILL NOT be canceled unless otherwise announced.
  • Facility rentals for meetings and events by outside organizations (community leagues, Boy Scouts, cities, etc.) may continue. Please contact the organization for more information.

2024-25 e-Learning Plan

Revised July 10, 2024.